Gastroesophageal reflux disease also known as Acid reflux is a chronic condition in which, stomach content rise upto oesophagus resulting in symptoms like acid taste at the back of the mouth, sour belching, heartburns, a kind of pressure in the chest or pain in the chest.

Why and how it happens!? After swallowing food enters the oesophagus, a tube like structure. This tube is connected with the stomach which is a muscular bag at the junction of oesophagus and stomach there is a valve which in normal individuals closes completely. But in certain individuals, this valve closes loosely or incompletely. So, the food which is now mixed up with concentrated acid in the stomach comes up in reverse direction. This gives rise to all the symptoms of heart burns, regurgitation, sour eructation etc. This may give rise to recurrent irritation cough and even hoarseness of voice.

Why this valve structure is weak is not known. Obesity, hiatus hernia (slipping of the stomach bag through diaphragm) have been linked with GERD.

Now a days a very commonly seen in individuals where they keep on relating these symptoms with chronic acidity.

There are simple life style changes we can do to reduce the severity of this disorder.

  1. Individuals having GERD should not lie down immediately after meals at least for a few hours. Instead they can have a reclining posture.
  2. Always lie down your left side when you want to lie down. This posture gets the stomach exactly below the oesophagus with an acute angle which prevents food from coming up in the reverse direction.
  3. Do not fill your stomach completely with food. This is true for everyone. If stomach is divided into 4 quadrants, only the lower 2 should be filled with food, remaining upper two with water and air.
  4. Reduction of body weight especially fat around abdomen helps as excessive belly fat creates pressure effects on the internal abdominal organs.
  5. Avoiding eating too spicy food as it leads to excessive acidic secretions

Taking these precautions will definitely reduce the intensity of the symptoms by 30 to 40 percent.

Yet, as this is a structural problem some episodes keep on recurring which annoy the this point we can take help of homoeopathy and dilute the intensity of the symptoms with homoeopathic remedies.

Homeo remedies like Robinia, nat phos, Acid sulph and many others will help in reducing the symptoms, intensity and frequency of the episodes. Homoeo remedies will also reduce the excessive acidic secretions. Thus once the episodes are reduced, the injury to the valve due to recurrent acidic reflux is also less and ultimately inflammation of oesophagus gets reduced.

Always remember this disorder is structural as well as functional. Homoeopathy will take care of functional facet and will reduce injury to the valve.  Lesser the injury, more are the chances for the improvement in the strength of the valve.

As it is the weakness of the valve, some YOGASANAS which will strengthen the joint between oesophagus and stomach can be helpful.

 Asanas like PAVANMUKTASANA., PADANGUSHTHASANA will help in strengthening musculature of the food tube and the stomach.

 Never think anything irreparable. With your focused efforts, faith and positive attitude everything can be transformed!


Again, a disorder with unknown cause where homoeopathy works ..

It is the disease of the internal ear where individuals have a severe spinning, vertigo along with tinnitus (ringing in ears), gradual hearing loss, blocked feeling in the ear. Along with this vertigo patient has severe attacks of nausea, vomiting, sweating due to affection of autonomous nervous system.

These episodes typically last for 20 minutes to even 12 hrs over the time, there is gradual permanent hearing loss and permanent tinnitus settled in the ear.

The individuals suffering from Meniere’s disease, really get shaken with such sudden attacks. Even if vertigo attack passes, these people feel an imbalance, lose their confidence, can not drive a vehicle, have to search for the support while walking.

It deteriorates the quality of life..

The cause again remains obscure! The theories predicting constriction of the blood vessel in the internal ear, autoimmune responses affecting vestibular region, viral infections affecting vestibulocochlear region are there but the exact cause is unknown .

All these symptoms are due to increase in the internal ear fluid pressure ..
So diuretics, anxiolytics, anti vertigo medicines are given.. yet the relief is only for a while..

Again, though not fatal, this disorder degrades the life quality & confidence of an individual, not only to work and drive, but to walk even .. People are so much so distressed, they really feel weary of life..

Again homoeopathy proves to be a boon in such a condition which individual has accepted as incurable! In such a helpless condition of the patient, accurately chosen homoeopathic remedies if given, frequency of vertigo episodes can get reduced. Slowly intensity of vertigo with vomiting and tinnitus gets diluted. In due course interval between the episodes is lengthened and person starts getting his confidence back!

I have really experienced this amazing improvement in patients suffering from Meniere’s Disease. I really feel blessed to be a follower of such a medical discipline which not only relieves the sufferings but makes a man happy giving a good life quality full of confidence.

So, never think that there is no way. There is always a way if you earnestly seek for it!!


One more clinical disorder which renders individual annoyed with intense pain, helpless ..its a facial pain ..excruciating , electric shock like , in paroxysms .. known as TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA or  FACIAL NEURALGIA

Trigeminal nerve which provides sensation to the face ,  also responsible for motor activities like chewing , biting , talking , smiling , laughing , gets affected in this disorder !

Again , why this happens!? Cause remains obscured ..

There are many theories, that the nerve irritation happens due to pressure of the adjacent vein or artery , defect in myelin sheath, trauma ..

None of these helping in the process of recovery ..

Trigeminal nerve has 3 branches .. one supplies to the eyes and above the eyes, the other one to the cheeks and upper jaw .. the lower branch to the lower jaw.

There are sudden attacks of  electric shock like pains which  involve one or more than one , the above mentioned areas .. when the person talks, eats, brushes the teeth, laughs …

The pain is so excruciating, that the person develops dread of that pain and  starts avoiding necessary activities like eating, brushing teeth etc ..

Keeps on taking oxytol , Tegretol, gabapentin like anticonvulsant medicine yet can not get free from fear of pain and attacks of pain ..

The whole scenario pushes him into despair … thinking that there is no  end to this suffering ..

HOMOEOPATHY again comes here to give this person a new life .. which is WITHOUT PAIN!

You will be surprised, but for such a painful complex disorder , which involves nerve irritation , HOMOEOPATHY proves to be THE  RESORT .

There are some homoeopathic remedies which have a specific action on the trigeminal nerve, mentioned in classical literature and prove to be effective in  homoeopathic practice also..

These medicines if taken regularly , reduce the sensitivity of the nerve .. the pain attacks become milder, infrequent ..and later on the pain actually disappears ..

Of course, this is a nerve disorder, so , there are some chances  that pain comes back .. yet it is milder. The homoeopathic  treatment neds to be taken for 8 to 12 months . yet you start experiencing improvement with in 1 to 2 months .

Its really amazing and fulfilling to see when patient who had come in despair due to pain, GIVES A PAINLESS SMILE when he visits the clinic!


If recurrent acute colds or allergic colds, not treated properly, or supressed, settle as chronic colds.

We all use term.. sinusitis! what is it!? Sinuses are air filled spaces ..   above eyes, below the eyes (over the cheeks ), between the eyes and behind the eyes . These are internally lined up by a thin membrane called mucus membrane  which continues in the nasal passages also . As these sinuses are connected with the nasal passages, due to continuous collection of the  nasal mucus , this membrane gets swollen and inflamed .. this is sinusitis! This gives constant heaviness of the head , feverishness , blocked feeling in the ear ..due to eustatian tube blockage , greenish scabs and sticky discharge which one has to blow to take it out , constant post nasal drip ..

In all this scenario , now this individual starts feeling sick with heavy head , blocked nose .. can not concentrate on work .. cant perform at the work. keeps on doing antibiotic courses one after the other ..

HOMOEOPATHY has  a definite answer for this problem . kali bich , merc sol , hydrastis , kali iod , pulsatilla , silicea and so many others.

These medicines will help  in making the stagnated discharges flow , reduce the inflammation  of the mucus membranes , reducing the intensity and frequency of the sinusitis and cold attacks ..

It is the skill of the homoeopath to understand an individual and  design a suitable remedy for him which will heal him permanently !


A very common complaint now a days ..of recurrent allergic colds ..

Individuals suffering from this problem, have continuous sneezing attacks of 10, 15 .. some times 20 sneezes!  As soon as they get up in the morning, the sneezing attack starts ..along with profuse watery discharge from nose .. have to use handkerchief, one after the other! Not only this, they may have severe itching , redness of eyes .. weepy eyes . in some individuals there is breathless asthamatic feeling too!

 In certain fortunate  cases this occurs  only in specific seasons ..esp winters and rainy seasons while in severe cases it occurs throughout the year ..

Why this happens!?

It is the hypersensitive tendancy in certain individuals , when they are exposed to pollens , dust , any specific food , pollution .. the histamin in their blood rises and the raised histamin levels produce all these annoying symptoms …

For these complaints .. allergy test is done .. and then individual even gets more sensitized mentally to know that these are allergens for him .. even if he avoids those allergens , his allergic cold does not disappear ..

So , he keeps on taking anti histaminics  ..slowly the dose goes on increasing and  the allergic rhinitis still does not budge!!!

There individuals feel socially embarrassed , annoyed as they can not concentrate on their work .. slowly this allergic cold  starts settling permanently and becomes chronic cold …

HOMOEOPATHY has many medicines specifically acting in allegic conditions, like allium cepa, Arundo, wythia  and many others ..which, when taken,  will reduce the intensity, frequency of the allergic cold . not only this, they will reduce the hypersensitivity towards allergens and will prevent from  getting a chronic cold permanently settled …

Of course, as it is a deep rooted tendancy , you need to take the treatment for 4 to 6 months …

But I am sure, homoeopathic medicines have the magical effect of transforming annoyed sneezing face into a  happily smiling face!


Hi Friends,

Being a practicing homoeopath for last 20 yrs, could  experience MAGICAL recoveries and cures  with homoeopathic remedies …

Especially in conditions  where the cause  was unknown! That means science had limitations to explain why this condition happened!?

So, conventional treatments failed there to relieve the individual permanently ..

I am going to talk to you regarding such clinical conditions where the conventional medicine shows its limitations to cure and the individual keeps on suffering  helplessly ..

Well, these are not life threatening diseases. Yet,  they deteriorate the individual’s life quality, drag him to despair, thinking that there is no end to his sufferings…

And in these conditions, homoeopathy wonderfully helps …

Infact,  I would say that these are the KEY AREAS of  homoeopathy, for that is the LIGHT OF HOPE and you will never be disappointed ..

  Homoeopathy can treat such conditions even if the cause of the disorder is not known as  IT TREATS THE HUMAN BEING AND NOT THE DISEASE!

These key conditions are

ALLERGIC RHINITIS,  SINUSITIS AND CHRONIC COLD, TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA, MIGRAIN ,MENIERES DISEASE, GERD –(gastroesophageal reflux disease), SCIATICA (disk herniation , cervical spondylosis) COCCYGODYNIA (tail bone pain), DUB ( dysfunctional uterine bleeding ),  HYPOTHYROIDISM,  so on …

So , come and experience the MAGIC  of this ENERGY MEDICINE …

After all, man has created all these medical  disciplines  for the betterment of the mankind ..Why not to be HOLISTIC and experience BEYOND what is seen!!!