A very common complaint now a days ..of recurrent allergic colds ..

Individuals suffering from this problem, have continuous sneezing attacks of 10, 15 .. some times 20 sneezes!  As soon as they get up in the morning, the sneezing attack starts ..along with profuse watery discharge from nose .. have to use handkerchief, one after the other! Not only this, they may have severe itching , redness of eyes .. weepy eyes . in some individuals there is breathless asthamatic feeling too!

 In certain fortunate  cases this occurs  only in specific seasons ..esp winters and rainy seasons while in severe cases it occurs throughout the year ..

Why this happens!?

It is the hypersensitive tendancy in certain individuals , when they are exposed to pollens , dust , any specific food , pollution .. the histamin in their blood rises and the raised histamin levels produce all these annoying symptoms …

For these complaints .. allergy test is done .. and then individual even gets more sensitized mentally to know that these are allergens for him .. even if he avoids those allergens , his allergic cold does not disappear ..

So , he keeps on taking anti histaminics  ..slowly the dose goes on increasing and  the allergic rhinitis still does not budge!!!

There individuals feel socially embarrassed , annoyed as they can not concentrate on their work .. slowly this allergic cold  starts settling permanently and becomes chronic cold …

HOMOEOPATHY has many medicines specifically acting in allegic conditions, like allium cepa, Arundo, wythia  and many others ..which, when taken,  will reduce the intensity, frequency of the allergic cold . not only this, they will reduce the hypersensitivity towards allergens and will prevent from  getting a chronic cold permanently settled …

Of course, as it is a deep rooted tendancy , you need to take the treatment for 4 to 6 months …

But I am sure, homoeopathic medicines have the magical effect of transforming annoyed sneezing face into a  happily smiling face!